
Follow up Letters to Legislators Following the CHQ County Executive Meeting 7/27/22


NYS Supreme Court Judge Ronald PLoetz has ruled in our favor!  The Governor’s forced quarantine regulation has been STRUCK DOWN as unconstitutional.  It is null, void and unenforceable, and the Court has prohibited the Governor and DOH from continuing to issue the regulation!

Governor Hochul plans to APPEAL our win. We are asking you, our legislators, to support the case and our Senator George Borello by making a public statement supporting our win, whether in the newspaper or on social media.

Help us bring attention to the Governor’s appeal and her unconstitutional power grab. Get involved. This affects all of us. Write to the Governor tell her to NOT appeal as there are already previsions in place in Public Health Law that give her abilities but allow for due process.  Learn more at 

Lastly we will share the FOIA email chain, for you to read in its entirety. It is disrespectful to you and your constituents.  Our intention is to shine light on the tactics of both the local and state department of health.  To make you aware and rein in the power of this agency.

Dr Ney confirmed at the executive meeting, the county department of health has partnerships and their relationships intertwine “to get to the end of their mission”. This FOIA is a prime example of why there needs to be restraints on these partnerships. When our local DOH dismisses the decision of our elected officials to complete their mission, there is a problem. Our local health department as well as State DOH is too large, too powerful and there needs to be separation of these inter relationships as they are a conflict of interest.

On behalf of WNY Freedom Seekers, 

WNYFS Government Oversight Committee

2nd Privilege of the Floor, Chautauqua County Executive Meeting 7/27/22

CHQ county resident. 

I want to give an update to the legislators and community about the status of the  “Isolation and quarantine” Lawsuit. 

As you know Senator Borrello along with other State legislators have sponsored a lawsuit against Gov Hochul and the NY State department of health. 

NYS Supreme Court Judge Ronald PLoetz has ruled in our favor!  The Governor’s forced quarantine regulation has been STRUCK DOWN as unconstitutional.  It is null, void and unenforceable, and the Court has prohibited the Governor and DOH from continuing to issue the regulation!

Governor Hochul plans to APPEAL our win. Out of her lust for power she is attempting to have the State Supreme Court Judge’s decision overturned.   It is imperative that the decision be upheld. I implore everyone to visit www.uniting n y to learn and do your part to ensure that our rights and freedoms remain.  

I am asking you, our legislators, to support the case and our previous County Executive George Borello by making a public statement supporting our win, whether in the newspaper or on social media.

Help us bring attention to the Governor’s appeal and her unconstitutional power grab. Get involved. This affects all of us. Write to the Governor tell her to NOT appeal as there are already previsions in place in Public Health Law that give her abilities but allow for due process.  

As we have just heard from WNY FS,  the Department of Health does not consider how the legislators vote. Whether on a local or State level, the tactics are the same, circumventing the legislature to achieve their agenda. 

2nd Privilege of the Floor, Chautauqua County Executive Meeting 7/27/22

CHQ county resident 

I am speaking on behalf of WNYFS

We would like to start off by thanking you for listening, taking our concerns seriously, and  supporting the residents of Chautauqua county by voting against the $75,000. NACCHO COVIED grant. We have recently discovered some very concerning communication via FOIA  request regarding this grant that we believe should be brought to your attention.

The following excerpts are from emails between 2 Chaut county DOH staff and Chaut Health Network, a non profit organization.  

Email dated May 9, 2022 , our DOH (wrote) wrote to Chaut Health network.

“As you know, the Chautauqua County Legislature voted against accepting the $75,000 NACCHO COVIED grant funding … So, when we alerted the NACCHO COVIED Team about this vote, we asked to discuss possible ways to keep the funds coming to Chautauqua County…. it seems to make sense to have the contract “transferred” to CHN. NACCHO would contract with CHN using the same application budget…

“NACCHO has taken this option up the chain to their contracting department too; they would like to see the funds stay here too. If we come back, and everyone is agreeable, we can move forward with our plans.” 

“So, basically, this is what would change: CHN would contract with NACCHO, submitting invoices and accepting funding. 

So Let that sink in!   I just read, an UNELECTED STAFF member is knowingly discussing a work around to get a grant that YOU, our elected officials, declined.   

Moving on, another excerpt from May 10: CHN wrote (wrote) to our DOH;

“I wonder about the politics of perception, and how we might work to be sure that this is not viewed by the legislature as subterfuge thwarting their decision? The longer term consequences to trust and public health might exceed the value of the award.’

So literally it is clear that the Chaut Health Network is concerned that this deceptive strategy to funnel the grant through the non profit instead of the county will cause trust issues.

Additional FOIA excerpts dated May 13 from the  DOH in response to Chaut Health Network:

“we are grateful for your partnership and for your team’s willingness to pick up this ball

and run with it. I wanted to chime in with a few of my perspectives as they pertain to this


“…. I believe the funds from our other two sources (ELC COVID-19 Enhanced (supplemental funds) and CD VAX grants) should provide ample funds to support the media buy. 

NACCHO is a great organization to work with, and I expect that they would be willing to support our community in whatever way we see fit to meet the goal….

“It is completely logical that they would attempt to make in-roads to support this work under the umbrella of our rural health network, rather than the LHD(Local health department)

/county government.

While the Legislature is not in support of this funding/project, they have no say in how  NACCHO does or does not fund non-county entities.”

Honestly, they probably wouldn’t even know if the funds do come to our community if it isn’t being funneled through the County’s accounts.

…I believe that our Legislature serves to benefit from some education about not just health equity, but equity in a broader sense. Perhaps we can use some of these funds to strategize about how to educate our leaders.

I appreciate your perspective on trying again with the Legislature, but to be frank, we are out of steam. We will not be going back …NACCHO is agreeable to transitioning the funds to CHN for this work, and if you’re willing, we want to take you up on your offer to accept the funds….We’re on board if you are.”

Lastly, an excerpt from May 13th, from CHN to DOH:  “… I agree we should proceed. Next step?”

We implore you to seriously consider the implications of this sneaky communication. How can you trust what they bring to the table from this point on? This should raise a red flag for you and we ask that from here on out you be on guard concerning their request. 

We are presenting a copy of the FOIA to be entered into the record. 

Thank you

Chautauqua County Executive Meeting, 1st Privilege of the Floor. April 2022

Good evening, 

I am a resident of Chautauqua county.

speaking on behalf of  

The Western New York Freedom Seekers

I am here to speak on four resolutions on the agenda. 121, 124, 125, and 126. We are asking you to vote no to all four of these resolutions. 

All 4 of these resolutions are a waste of money. 

Resolution 126  will be for a Mobile Unit to vaccinate rural communities. 

We oppose this resolution because we have many unanswered questions about future funding and ongoing cost, as well as being an overreach of the health department’s role. 

The DOH is relying on future grants, for maintaining and financing the mobile unit program.  Future grants are not guaranteed. If no grants are offered the cost will come out of the doh’s yearly budget becoming an unnecessary burden on the taxpayers of Chautauqua County. We should not support the financing of a program without a sound financial plan that contains the future costs that the county may be responsible for.  

Also, other financial costs to consider.  Will the county pay for the medication being distributed? Do we have liability insurance? Will malpractice insurance be needed? Will this incur additional insurance charges? Has commercial vehicle insurance been considered? 

We contacted the DOH and asked these questions. DOH was advised by their lawyer to not answer our questions and have us submit a foil.  This is concerning that we nor the legislators will have this information before the vote. Far too many questions remain unanswered. 

Resolution 124- 

Targets minorities, The Amish (which is a religious community),  and children with vaccine propaganda.

Covid is not new. Everyone is aware of the vaccine and where to get it if they want it.  By accepting this grant you are adding to the inflation and tax burden. 

In addition to the wasteful spending, We do not approve of the DOH targeting any group, but targeting our children will not be tolerated; they are off limits. Children are not an at risk population. My 13 year old already has to deal with peer pressure. She does not need to be a target of the DOH. Parents decide what is best for their children, leave the kids alone. 

Resolution 125

This resolution is more wasteful vaccine promotion. $67,000 toward radio and newspaper ads promoting the vax, as well as pamphlets. $50,000 going to CHQ center to work with the Martin Group to combat covid hesitancy. 

We asked the Doh these questions; 

Why are we funding the Chautauqua Center and Martin Group? 

Was there an application process for these businesses to receive this funding? 

How were these groups selected?  And Was a bidding process put out to the public? 

We were told we need to foil requests for this information. 

Resolution 121 

This resolution is for $200,000 and is basically for the county health department to have a retreat day for health officials and nurses. To “debrief”. Lunch at CHQ institution, a guest speaker and jackets for all county health officials estimated to be 60-70 employees. DOH director said the remainder of money goes back into ARPA for future funding approval.

Why does the department of health have unlimited spending power? They provide no financial details or plan. 

DOH director appears to feel that the department deserves a retreat. What she fails to understand is that residents of this county have lost jobs, closed businesses and her department was fortunate to have been employed. We have all experienced stress and burden. 

Find a creative way to use the money to actually help relieve the stress of the struggling businesses or people who lost their jobs. We suggest you look at Cattaraugus County and what they have decided to do with the money. They decided not to give the department of health all this Covid money. This short term funding will create a situation where these departments will request additional funding in the future.  

We are asking you to vote no on approval of these resolutions. You don’t have all the information needed to make an informed decision that could financially impact the county in the future, especially regarding the mobile unit.  These questions have not been answered.  Our question to you is do you feel comfortable saying yes without knowing the answers?

Chautauqua County Executive Meeting 2nd Privilege of the floor, April 2022

Good evening, 

I am a resident of Chautauqua county.

speaking on behalf of  

The Western New York Freedom Seekers

Earlier in the Month we sent all the legislators an email that informed you that Senator Borrello at our request joined the “Quarantine Camp” Lawsuit which was filed against Governor Hochul and the New York State DOH.

The efforts of the WNY Freedom Seekers were instrumental in obtaining the support and engagement of Senator Borello and Assemblyman Goodell in this vital lawsuit to protect New York’s residents from the tyranny of a runaway government.  

As you may know from previous correspondence and addressing the legislature, the issue is that Governor Hochul is circumventing the State Legislature and is in the process of making NYSDOH emergency regulations permanent. 

These regulations give total control to the current unelected Governor and any future governor along with the appointed Commissioner of Health, which is why we advocate implementing limitations on the local health department to safeguard personal freedoms. 

Here is a chart. At the top you have the governor implementing her tyrannical regulations, of quarantine camps, isolation orders, home inspection, all without proof of a communicable disease. 

Then the next row you have her tentacle, those are the grants and the money the State has thrown at us. The purpose of these grants is to set up infrastructure and networks in order to enforce these regulations.  

  1. So we have the most recent grant passed, the wastewater surveillance, which was passed
  2. Then we have the fellows program, injecting state doh employees into the local area. Which was passed
  3. In Dec we had the isolation quarantine housing, which was passed.

Today we have

Resolution 121- Debriefing retreat for health officials

Resolution 124- Money approved to target vaccine hesitant groups

Resolution 125- Vaccine Propaganda

Resolution 126- Mobile Unit 

All these grants are feeding the power and reach of the health department. It is not the health department’s role to police the community. By supporting these resolutions our county is going against our Senator and Assemblyman who are fighting these regulations at the state level. 

I hope the lawsuit broadens your view on the State Department of Health and their agenda.